Can Fluorite Go In Water? Here’s What You Need To Know
Fluorite is a very common stone in the crystal healing world, but many people don’t know if it can go in water or not.
This guide will teach you if Fluorite is truly water safe, and how you can introduce water to this stone without damaging it.

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Can Fluorite Go In Water?
Fluorite is the mineral form of calcium fluoride. It’s a gorgeous gemstone that typically occurs in unique cubic crystals. Not only that, but it can take on a breathtaking color.
Most pure Fluorite is colorless or takes on a slightly greenish tint. However, chemical impurities within the crystal can result in a rainbow of colors! Multi-colored Fluorite crystals are a thing of beauty, revered by healers and crystal collectors alike.
This crystal is said to have intense, high vibrational energy that zaps away negativity from your auric field. It’s a powerful tool in your healing arsenal, and the unique look is just icing on the cake.
But can Fluorite go in the water?
Many crystal healers like to utilize water in their healing or cleansing rituals. While some crystals can handle water exposure without any issues, you must exercise caution with Fluorite. It can get wet, but this is a mineral you don’t want to soak for any more than a few seconds.
Fluorite has a rating of 4 on the Mohs Hardness scale. This scale represents the scratch resistance and overall durability of a crystal. Generally, anything under a 6 or 7 is considered “soft.”
At a 4, Fluorite is far too delicate for long-term water exposure. It’s fragile enough to experience damage from a coin or regular wear. While it won’t instantly dissolve, the crystal can suffer the longer it sits in the water.
For that reason, experts recommend sticking to quick-exposure cleansing methods rather than traditional soaking.
Why Would You Put It In Water?
If you’re new to crystal healing, you might be wondering why you would want to put your Fluorite in water in the first place. Truth be told, water is one of the most powerful cleansing mediums, and it can do a lot to keep your crystals recharged and ready to heal.
Healing gemstones and crystals go through a broad spectrum of energies. While you can’t see the effects physically, the constant barrage of negative energy can take its toll. Fluorite is particularly susceptible because of its approach to healing.

Over time, the Fluorite can become energetically dull. Its powers to aid your aura wane and it becomes nothing more than a pretty rock. Cleansing helps to recharge the crystal and restore its healing abilities.
The go-to method for this usually involves water. Water is the ultimate life-bringing element, and its connection to Mother Nature makes it one of the most powerful cleansing mediums.
Even though Fluorite can go in water to help you take advantage of its powers, you have to be extra careful. You must adjust your approach to avoid lengthy soaks and potential damage. Otherwise, the crystal can slowly dissolve or break apart.
Can Fluorite Go In Salt Water?
If common freshwater can damage Fluorite, imagine what saltwater can do!
It’s not surprising that saltwater is the go-to for many seasoned crystal healers. Saltwater is full of life and is already enriched with minerals and salts from the Earth. Unfortunately, its potent nature is also its downfall when it comes to healing delicate crystals like Fluorite.
It would be best if you never put Fluorite in saltwater. Whether it’s a splash or a dunk, that salty water will cause significant damage.
You see, Fluorite is a form of calcium fluoride. Meanwhile, the dissolved salts in saltwater are mainly sodium chloride. These two compounds can create a volatile reaction when mixed.
Of course, the reaction is subtle when talking about hardened crystals. But, it won’t take long to see why Fluorite going in saltwater is a bad idea.
The salts can cause tiny pores to form throughout the crystal’s surface. Those pores will allow the water to infiltrate the crystal more, leading to quicker deterioration. You may notice bits of stone breaking off after only a few minutes.
As if that weren’t bad enough, other chemical compounds might cause adverse reactions. Colored Fluorite contains a bevy of chemical impurities that may not react well when it comes in contact with saltwater.
Can Fluorite Go In Moon Water?
Moon water is a sought-after cleansing method that you can only create once a month! It’s clean water charged by the power of moonlight. Many crystal healers will go out of their way to create and collect moon water for powerful rituals.
Unfortunately, even though Fluorite can go in moon water, you still need to be careful. A quick rinse or moist rub-down is fine, but Fluorite is too delicate for long-term soaking.
While moon water is powerful and charged with lunar light, it’s still water that can damage your Fluorite.
Can You Wear It While You Shower Or Take A Bath?
If you’re thinking of getting your Fluorite wet in the bath or shower, it’s best to reconsider.
There are a few reasons you might bring your crystals into the bathroom. One of the easiest ways to take advantage of Fluorite’s healing powers and protection is to wear it as jewelry. It’s easy to forget to take your crystals off when you wear them every day.
Some might want to use crystals to create a spa-like bath experience. Crystal-infused bath water can soothe the mind, body, and soul. Harder crystals like Rose Quartz and Amethyst are perfectly fine for bringing into the bath with you.
But for a delicate stone such as Fluorite, it’s best to keep it on the bathtub ledge or a shelf nearby. Fluorite can benefit you with controlled soaking. However, there’s a risk it could cause skin irritation.
Plus, you have to consider the damage potential to the crystal. The water itself will weaken its structural integrity, and any chemicals from the soap you’re using could cause even more trouble.
It’s best to leave Fluorite out of the bath and shower.
Water Cleansing Methods For Fluorite
Fluorite can’t go in water for long periods of time, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use the healing power of water to recharge it! You just have to be more mindful of the moisture exposure.
This crystal might be delicate, but it can withstand a quick rinse. One of the easiest ways to cleanse Fluorite is to run it under your tap. Guide your intent into the stone, rub off any dirt, and let the water rush over the crystal’s surface.
Limit the exposure to only a few seconds. Afterward, dry it off thoroughly with a soft microfiber cloth.
Another option is to soak a cloth in water and use that to rub the crystal down. This method is a great way to limit moisture exposure while still harnessing water’s energy. As always, get every last drop of moisture off to keep your Fluorite safe.
Now you have your answer to the question “Can Fluorite go in water?” And the only thing left to do is follow our recommendations.
While this stone isn’t one that we recommend getting wet often, you can introduce it to water occasionally to help benefit the stone. If you have any questions about the information above, get in touch!